Chapter 6: Sound & Color, Page 46: Ups & Downs - Smuggling Stinks
Posted April 22, 2022 at 12:00 pm

This is only the second time that Izzy has seen alien wildlife. She's seen them before at the facility where Sybil works. You might remember the wildlife there got there through busts on smuggling rings. These creatures here haven't been smuggled to this planet but they are at risk of being smuggled off. That could be extremely bad. In the recent past, there have been numerous examples of smuggling having a devastating effect on certain planets.

One of those examples includes a species from Earth on multiple worlds. The American cockroach was selected as a prize specimen due to its hardiness. Unfortunately they weren't  adequately contained and quickly bred out of control. Now there's planets who have to deal with an invasive species that has no natural predators. And on many of the planets where they've gotten a foothold they're deadly to the environment. And it's easy for them to be transported without anyone noticing. 

A breeding trio of flimsparts from Noaocle eventually  led to the extinction of an an endangered sapient species on Dopoitz. Nobody wanted a repeat of that.

Trying to stop smuggling has been hard. It can't really be strictly enforced. There's always weak links in the chain. Some worlds have ways of detecting alien wildlife but even those can fail. 

Hopefully, nobody will transport any of these crystal bugs off-planet. The results of doing so are almost guaranteed to be disastrous. 
