Chapter 6: Sound & Color, Page 41: Positions & Letdowns - Assignments
Posted April 4, 2022 at 12:00 pm

Izzy's has had her share of letdown assignments before. Things that she wasn't too thrilled about doing but did anyway. Like having to do a group project for sociology with Leslie Donovan-Reed and Manny Alvarez. It's not because they didn't do any work, it's because they did work kind of sloppily. So Izzy had to spend extra time fixing everything. Izzy did it herself instead of talking to them. She didn't want any further headaches and thought it'd be easier that way. It didn't make things much better because in the end she had made a few mistakes herself. 

Another example is when she had to do an oral book report in the first grade. She was a little shy about being in front of people and really didn't want to get up and try to talk. So she recorded herself giving the report on an old microcassette recorder. She brought it in and played it for the class. She still felt embarrassed by hearing her own voice on tape. Even more so than if she had stood in front of class She decided it would be better if next time she just did a report in person. 

There's also all of the times she's done things she didn't want to. So babysitting a shuttle for superheroes isn't the worst thing she's had to do. At least it's still adjacent to the things she cares about. 
